Indicadores sobre Helldivers 2 Gameplay Você Deve Saber

Indicadores sobre Helldivers 2 Gameplay Você Deve Saber

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Visually, the game is stunning! It’s a far cry from the previous iteration which didn’t really have too many details to emphasize as the game was isometric. However this time around, you get to appreciate not only your personal Helldiver but also all of the hostile enemies that are out to get you.

It is now up to you, Helldiver, to don your cape and take back Super Earth’s colonies once and for all. You will be fighting these vile, freedom-hating foes on two fronts, as Super Earth works to implement a solution to the Terminid scourge.

Despite the blurry image, the 60fps performance mode is the place to be - it's mostly at the target, dropping into the 50s in the heavier scenes. The 30fps quality mode is OK, but prone to frame-pacing problems and the occasional, genuine drop beneath the performance target.

ESTES territórios da Superterra estãeste sitiados por inimigos monstruosos que só pensam em destruir o finesse de vida da humanidade. Na mesa do guerra da tua nave, sua equipe Pode vir a assistir ao desenrolar do conflito e participar por batalhas pelo Universo. Você fará sua parte de modo a avançar com a linha do frente em nome da Liberdade e da Democracia Gerenciada.

If you’ve ever fantasised about starring in your own version of Paul Verhoeven’s blistering sci-fi satire Starship Troopers, you can now rest easy: your wish has been answered. Helldivers 2, the sequel to the 2015 topdown co-op shooter, is an online game in which beefy space marines blast down to alien planets and, spurred on by jingoistic slogans, pulverise anything that moves with super hi-tech weaponry.

When interacting with the arcade machine, you'll be prompted with a timed, round-based minigame that requires you to input real Stratagem codes. Not only can you participate in a high-score list, but Stratagem Hero is a fantastic way to get used to inputting Stratagem codes quickly under pressure.

This was likely done to ensure good performance and quality visuals without having to worry about how the game would run on aging hardware.

The console version of Helldivers 2 can be purchased digitally or from physical game retailers like Amazon or Walmart, while the PC one is available digitally from Steam, Amazon, and the reselling sitio GreenManGaming (you'll get a Steam code with the latter two).

With no story mode or alternate game modes, I’m curious how much there will be for players to do beyond grinding the same missions ad nauseum, especially with pelo clear content roadmap laid out as of yet. That said, with only two enemy factions at the moment, it seems likely the third one from the original Helldivers could be added into the mix at some point, which could easily keep the good times rolling.

Helldivers 2 doesn't have a story campaign, no. Once you finish its tutorial, every mission you play will be a nonlinear, open-ended incursion that follows the format we described earlier in this article.

Missions vary from raising patriotic flags to realigning communications equipment and rescuing civilian colonists, but there are always side tasks too, including destroying bases and exploring abandoned research stations. You may also discover Samples, which can be collected to buy spacecraft upgrades, and Medals, which get you new armour and custom items. The main currency is Requisition Slips, which pay for new Strategems from a vast and exotic list.

And that’ll happen more often than you might think, because Helldivers 2’s enemies are no pushovers, especially on harder difficulties. Death is an intentionally common occurrence, because instead of being a beefed-up hero with lots of health and enough firepower to take down hundreds of Helldivers 2 Gameplay enemies unscathed, you’re put into the feeble boots of a grunt who makes a better sandbag than a soldier. At the beginning of each level, your team is given 20 revives, where your killed-off character is replaced by an equally unimportant peon anytime you fall in battle.

Fast loading Can’t wait to get into the action? That’s the Helldiver spirit. Dive straight into the next thrilling battle for freedom with lightning-fast load times.

The gameplay loop is so tight, it would be laughably slim in the wrong hands. You team up, hit the planet, kill things, collect stuff then extract to count your earnings and buy better weapons. Repeat until exhausted. Levelling up unlocks new collections of deadlier hardware, but it’s basically the same thing over and over again until the planet has been “liberated” and you and all the other players in the world move on to another (yes, there’s a global real-time battle map, with every participant contributing to the intergalactic, ahem, peace effort).

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